Means of payment
Dear clients,
In our retail store, you can pay in one of the following ways:
I - cash
II - through a bank account
III - Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, Diners, American Express cards

IV - online B2B B2C
V - in installments, up to 12 installments (depending on the card):
Diners club international
La Rata and Visa of Societe Generale Montenegro
T-com Premium - Hipotekarna bank
CKB cards, Shop&Go
NLB Montenegro
Diners Club International
***All other banks with which we signed a contract in the meantime
VI - in installments, up to 6 installments through trade union organizations:
(when purchasing in installments through trade union organizations, it is necessary to bring a certificate of employment and an identity card)
Crnogorski Telekom
Elektroprivreda (from more organisational units)
Sindikat Uprave Policije
Societe Generale Montenegro
Erste Banka
Sudski savjet
Agencija za civilno vazduhoplovstvo
Aerodromi Crne Gore
ŽPCG-prevoz putnika
Zavod za zapošljavanje Podgorica
Uprava pravosudja
Zetatrans AD
Zeta Energy
Ministarstvo saobraćaja
Fond za zdravstveno osiguranje
Vrhovno državno tužilaštvo
Služba zaštite
Sindikat Medicinske škole
Sindikat Ekonomske škole
OŠ Branko Božović
OŠ Pavle Rovinski
OŠ Oktoih
OŠ B. Vuković
OŠ 21 Maj
OŠ Dragiša Ivanović
SSS Gradjevinska škola
SSS Trgovinska škola
SSS Hemijska škola Spasoje Raspopović
Fond PIO
***All other unions with whom we have signed a contract in the meantime
Special benefits in our retail facility when paying at the cash register can be obtained by users:
a) Card of all banks with which we have concluded contracts (T-Com Premium, CKB Shop&Go, NLB, La Rata)
b) Club 5, European youth card, Montenegro racing forum, members of all trade unions
***All other users or associations with whom we have signed a contract in the meantime
Vujacic Company strives to always meet the demands of its customers, including in terms of the method and length of the payment term.
For any additional information, please contact us at:
or to the contact numbers:
+382 20 60 60 60